Thursday, December 17, 2009


I can't believe I thought I was speechless yesterday. Wow. Russell? Really? I can't believe that Jakob didn't win.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


I don't know what to say. It's like my beloved show has become a Stepford Wife. Right now I believe that Dancing With the Stars has more integrity than SYTYCD. Dang. My thoughts as they happened:
Cat is wearing a toga and Shankman thinks she looks hot. I think I've seen her wear a toga at least two other times this season. But at least her hair looks normal. There are no video packages for the contestants and they are cramming nine dances into one hour. Where are the solos? Why are there six contestants in the finale? Why isn't everyone dancing with everyone, like they've done every season until now?
Kathryn and Ryan are dancing a samba. It's okay, but I think that Ryan's lack of shirt is annoying, and it's distracting me that he's not wearing shoes. The judges spend more time talking than Kathryn and Ryan spent dancing. Maybe this show should be retitled "So You Think You Can Be a Pompous Old Windbag"?
Ellenore and Jakob are on with a Tyce number. I think Tyce feels threatened by all of the attention showered on Joey Dowling for her Fossey-esque style. So Tyce does a number from Fossey with all of those elements thrown in. Ellenore looks a bit out of control at times with her crazy kicks.
Ashleigh and Russell are next with lyrical jazz. I rewind to make sure I heard it right that it's a Sonya number. Really? I am left a little sad, because Sonya's pieces are usually dark and quirky, just the way I like them. This piece seems a bit. . . generic. Sigh.
Ellenore (wait -- didn't she JUST dance??) and Ryan are up with a jazz number. It's pretty cool. Ellenore truly shines! Ryan seems woefully outmatched, and not at all flexible. Can he not kick above his waist?
Ashleigh and Jakob are foxtrotting (that's two ballroom numbers out of nine -- how many more are we going to see?). I go to the kitchen to wash dishes while they dance.
My question about the ballroom numbers is answered when Russell and Ellenore start dancing their Paso. I am concerned that we are 35 minutes into the show and Ellenore is already done performing. Nigel you are SHAMELESS.
Jakob and Kathryn (where has she been for the last 30 minutes??) stay almost entirely airborne for their contemporary number. I think they are immune to gravity. Very nice.
Ryan and Ashleigh are dancing a Travis Wall piece (Nice. This couldn't be more of an obvious set-up! Argh!). It seems very basic and easy. It's sweet to see their tenderness. The judges have nothing to say about the dancing (but is that really a surprise?).
We end the night with a NappyTab yawn-fest. From the beginning where they turn in that awkward circle, I am left cold.
And that's it. What do I say to this? My bullets:
  • How is it that Ellenore was totally set up for failure?
  • Where are the solos? Where are the memorable routines? I am still in awe of Jeanine's solo from last season's finale!
  • Doesn't Cat always do a final interview with the contestants?
  • Why was there no group routine?
  • Why didn't the boys dance together? Or the girls? Does no one remember Benji and Travis' routine? Danny and Niel?
Argh!! I am so frustrated!!! Please tell me I'm not the only one!!!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Nigel is Evil!

And pervy! And ruining my favorite show! Argh!

I must settle down before continuing, so I'll write more later. For now, discuss how annoying Nigel is!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

So You Think You Can ZZZZZZZ. . . .

Wowsers, last night was a snoozefest! The only dances worth my attention were the Broadway (thank goodness it was NOT choreographed by Tyce!), Afrojazz and Jazz. Other than that I was bored.
Here are my picks for couples in danger:
  1. Eleanor and Ryan. Their Krump -- excuse me, I mean their journey of timing, swagger and synergy -- stank it up. And not in the good stanky way. It was just stinky. I'm sad about Eleanor being in the bottom three because she has some good personality. On the other hand, I am not sad about Ryan being in the bottom three.
  2. Mollee and Nathan. Their Salsa was more like a watery pico de gallo with lots of mistakes. And I am just not loving Nathan -- something about the way he is dancing is very disappointing to me. Meanwhile, Mollee is becoming a favorite of mine despite last night's performance.
  3. Peter and Pauline. I am so bitter that they keep the quickstep around year after year! It's the kiss of death and they should let it go already!
Who is going home? Sadly, I think it will be Eleanor and Peter.
The bullets:
  • I think that Cat is also one of the V's -- did anyone else hate her cuckoo updo and that weird snakeskin dress? Yikes!
  • Nigel is a tool. Why does he ALWAYS talk about the choreographer and not the dancers? He is driving me absolutely nuts! Between him and Mary at mach 10 crazy I was ready to pull out my hair last night!
  • My BFF Adam tells it like it is!
  • Legacy -- how are you transforming before my eyes? Were you always so great and editing just made you seem horrible?
  • Did anyone see Donny Osmond in his 80's outfit on Dancing With the Stars? So scary!
  • How was I fooled into liking and Ryan and not Ashleigh? Ashleigh is by far the superior dancer. Anyone else recognize the BYU bell tower in the background of her graduation picture?
  • Please don't let Mary dance at the Dizzy Feet gala! I always feel like I need to call the police when I see her dancing with Dmitry. Gross!
What are your takes? Who's going home tonight?

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

A New Legacy!

Last night V premiered on ABC and I am convinced that Nigel is the Supreme Leader of the Vs. He's got to be an evil reptilian alien, bent on ruining the world (or at least SYTYCD!)! This week Nigel's evil plot continues, as he is the one making the "decision" (order!) on who is cut. Curses!
First up is a tennis hip-hop with Russell and Noelle. I'm glad to see that Noelle is back, but I was worried about her knee the whole time. And then I started to really worry because this didn't look good at all. Yikes. The tennis thing was a good idea, but didn't have great results. Adam Shankman, my new best friend, was right on in his comments.
Next is the wedding dance with Ashleigh and Jakob and I really want to hate it. But I don't. This is the BEST waltz I've seen on the show. I agree with Adam (my BFF) that it was a bit lifty, but other than that it was great. And I'm not hating Ashleigh as much anymore.
Bianca and Victor are next with a really really bad Braodway by Tyce (my other arch-nemesis). It felt empty and boring to me. I don't know how much of this is them and how much is Tyce. I think both are to blame. It was just uncomfortable to watch. Again my BFF Adam is spot on in his comments.
At this point in the show I am feeling deflated. Maybe Mollee and Nathan will cheer me up with a Bollywood number? It's great, but I'm not loving it. Or Nathan. I keep thinking about how awesome Joshua and Katee were. Sigh.
After Channing and Philip's disastrous samba, I am considering turning off the show for the night. What happened to the fantastic season six?? Where has all the good dancing gone?
Karen and Kevin start the redemption with their NappyTab hip-hop number, but I'm still not feeling it.
And then this happens:

Wow. I was stunned. And all of a sudden I REALLY love Legacy. Wow. Amazing.
I feel totally sorry for Pauline and Peter who have to follow with another "conception" by Amanda and Wade Robson. This one is pretty cool, but not as cool as the routine I just saw.
Finally it's time for an Argentine Tango and I am super-stressed ten seconds into the routine when I see Eleanor has a foot caught in her dress! Ack! And then she does that wonderful kick and frees herself! Amazing! I loved this routine. Kudos!
It's easy to see who is going home and I'm not feeling that bummed. Just mad that Nigel acts upset about it, when really he's planned this all along on his home planet. Grrr.
Here are my final bullets:
  • I can't believe that horizontal jump and lift with Legacy and Kathryn. I'm still stunned by the routine.
  • Shankman is totally falling in love with Karen, and it's cracking me up.
  • Nigel is evil.
  • Why is the waltz still one of the dances?
  • I hate the new stage!!
  • Mary has intelligent things to say. Yowza.
  • I love Stacey Tookey.
  • Sweaty Ashleigh and Jakob = gross.
What did you think of the top 18? Next week we can vote! Who are you voting for?

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Thank Goodness for Tivo!!

How much do I love my Tivo?! It recorded a Meet the Top 20 SYTYCD special last night, just for me! Hurrah!! I am SO glad my sweet Tivo knew about it! Talk about an awesome night! Let's briefly forget about the disaster that Cat is wearing (ack!), how much I dislike Nigel (ick!), how long ago this episode was filmed (grr!), and how I'm missing Mia already (argh!). Let's focus on the dancers!
First up it's a Wade and Amanda Robson concept, choreographed by Wade (what does that mean??). Does conceiving the dance consist of texting on camera? Because that's all I saw Amanda doing. That aside, the routine is off the hook! I am totally drawn to a few of the dancers, most notably Billy Bell (argh! Why did he have to get sick?!) and Nathan (but that's just 'cause he was front and center, I think).
Next up, the hip hoppers and I'm . . . just sort of impressed. I really really LOVE Russel (the krumper), but I'm still not feeling Legacy and I don't even know who that other guy is. NappyTabs' style of hip-hop is a little too much of the 'burbs for me (and you know I've got some serious street cred!).
Contemporary with Tyce is next. I hate Tyce, but despite that I like the routine. There is a great jump in the middle and I'm hooked. Bravo.
Now we're on to my beloved Sonya, who cracks me UP! She definitely does NOT know how to be sexy, but thankfully is able to teach it to the jazz girls. Kudos to the girls, too, for rocking out the jazz routine. Sometimes Ellenore seems a bit off to me, but overall a nice routine, and I loved the jazz hands.
The tappers are INSANE and I am bitter against Nigel for setting them up to be eliminated early on. Why can't they teach other dancers tap? They've had Bollywood, two-step (shudder!), krump, and classical ballet on the show and expected the dancers to pick it up. I don't think it would be more disastrous than having a hip hopper try to waltz. Curse you, Nigel!
I am anticipating a nice 80's routine from Mandy Moore and she knocks me for a loop with a current song! Who introduced you to our decade, Ms. Moore?! As I mentioned earlier, I am totally infatuated with Billy Bell (sobs!) and so am drawn to him for most of the routine. His moves are insane and I am SO bummed that he's not going to be in this season. And why did they replace him with a hip-hop dancer? Why not my Mr. Checker-Pants? I think we should have a viewer selection season, where we can vote in all of our favorites from past seasons who didn't win (Natalee, Billy, Mr. Checker-Pants will be some of my favorites).
Finally we end the night with a samba. I am not a fan of the Di Lellos, but this routine was nice! Ryan seemed a bit out of control a couple of times, but maybe because he was twirling two girls around like a madman! Nice way to end the evening.
Here are my final bullets:
  • What do we think of the new stage? I'm missing the staircases already.
  • Paula Abdul guest judging?
  • Adam Shankman as the new permanent judge?
  • Mia Michaels' exit?
  • Billy Bell's exit (sobs!)?
  • Are the judges eliminating a couple without letting us vote at all? Is that they way it's always been done?
  • What was up with Cat's dress? Yikes.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Laurie Ann Diva??!!

Whoever said that there are no stupid questions obviously never asked Laurie Ann Gibson anything. The AUDACITY of asking her a question!!! Shame on you, talented dancer! That being said, I have a lengthy list of stupid questions for her and the rest of the judges/choreographers:
  1. Where'd your headphones go, Crazypants?
  2. Why do you look so tortured after teaching super-talented kids so-so choreography?
  3. Nigel, why are you still standing up and pacing?
  4. Do they purposefully keep the dancers up all night before sending them to Mia?
  5. Mia, why are you so nice and centered? Did they make you be that way?
  6. How much do I love you, Adam Shankman?
  7. How much do I loathe you, Tyce Diorio? Argh!!! Billy Joel? Really?
  8. Must we be subjected to gross gross GROSS pictures of ankles popping out of their sockets? Yech!
Okay nerds: what are your questions? Are we all in agreement that Laurie Ann Gibson needs a talking to?

*NEWSFLASH* Is Mia leaving SYTYCD? Did anyone else read her Tweets?! What is going on??

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Vegas, Baby!

Cat rules. Seriously.

I am CRUSHED that my Mr. Checker-Pants was cut last night!!

I can totally do this jump. Fo' realz.

I love this guy!

Other bullets:
  • Why was Nigel standing up half the time during Vegas week?
  • Where is Sonja during these auditions?
  • Where is the dude from last season whose boss wouldn't let him out of his contract?
  • Why does everyone insist that I watch Glee?????? Leave me alone!
  • How much does Tyce annoy me (if you guess correctly, he must annoy you just as much)?
  • What is with the Legacy love-affair?
  • Did they have to show that girl's toenail come off? Eck.
  • Why on EARTH did Nigel let the stripper through?? Gross, Nigel! You are too pervy!
  • The New Orleans bounce looked a little too much like just wiggling your legs around and nothing else. Or is it just me?
  • Where are those Theatre Arts (notice the fancy spellin') ballroom dancers?
  • WHERE IS NATALIE????????????
Let's get going on the discussion!

Friday, August 7, 2009

Sweet Victory!

I totally believe the Nigel conspiracy theories, which is why this victory is so sweet! Take that, Nigel! Congratulations Jeanine! There was an article today (click here) about Jeanine that makes this victory even sweeter. Go Jeanine!

  • There IS a Nigel conspiracy!
  • Louis Van Amstel had way too many numbers in the judges favorites. I still hate that one waltz and don't get why there were sooooooooo many waltzes this season. Where's the crump? Cha cha cha?
  • Why on earth is Lil' C a guest judge? Did he even choreograph this season? I didn't think so.
  • Love Cat's dress! What was that green dress with the crazy hair last week?
  • Why was Mia laughing hysterically through her entire Chorus Line dance? Did anyone else see how into it Tyce was?
  • Why on EARTH did Kayla and Evan get a jive in the finale? Is this for real? Remember when they used to draw the names AND the dances from a hat? I don't believe for a second that it's still random!
  • ZZZZZZZ. . . oh, I'm sorry: the shameless plug for Fame put me to sleep!!
  • What is with Laurie Ann Gibson and her headphones?? You're trapped in the 80's; we get it already! Go hang out with Mandy Moore!
  • Still sad about Natalie going home in Vegas. Will she be back in the fall?
  • Why were they chanting Evan's name on Wednesday? Here's the reason straight from an audience member: “…the amount of criticism the judges gave Evan became torturous (they cut a lot of it from the actual show) to the point where everyone felt so bad they started chanting Evan’s name.” Yet more proof that Nigel stinks.
  • Still not enough proof that Nigel stinks? Last week Brandon reruns his audition piece and the judges give him a standing ovation. This week Evan does a variation on his audition piece and the judges call him on it.
  • Final nail in the Nigel stinks coffin? His pervy, dirty-old-man comments he's been making to Jeanine and Kayla all season. Ew!
  • What is with the massive Travis love affair? Yes, he did a great dance, but TONS of ballroom dancers have come back to the show to choreograph, too. Where's the love for my sweet Dmitry? Pasha?
Finally, I need to discuss this Nigel conspiracy of Angie's. I can't get over how he went on and on about how this show is not So You Think You Can Choreograph, but then every week he waxes poetic about the choreographers. He tells the contestants they need more personality, but doesn't let them speak or show it. He critiques the choreography and not the dancers. He practically drools in the laps of Tyce and Mia and then bags on the Russian Folk and hip hop choreographers that HE hired (remember how "disappointed" he was in hip hop this season? Where was Nappy Tabs at the finale? Were they in the audience?).

Okay, rants are over. Here is my rave: September 2nd is so close that I don't even need to reprogram my Tivo! Hurrah! See you all in a few weeks! Here's hoping that Natalie will be back to win in season 6!

Friday, July 24, 2009

SYTYCD Coffee Talk

I'm a little verklempt right now. Talk amongst yourselves. I'll give you a topic.

Janette was totally robbed! There IS a conspiracy, Angie!!! Katie Holmes is neither a singer or a dancer. Hok and Jaime ROCK! Cat's dress was blinding. Wade Robson still has some moves.


Here's a video to get the discussion juices flowing!

Thursday, July 9, 2009


I loved this dance, and have watched it several times. Any favorites for you guys?

Thursday, June 11, 2009


For a moment there I was actually nervous they were going to keep Tony! He's gone and so is Paris. What do we think of the bottom three? What do we think of our first week of SYTYCD competition?
See you on the flip side!

SYTYCD Recap -- My Eyebrows Are Stuck

I almost fell off the couch when Mary Murphy full-out admitted to the quarts of Botox in her face! Maybe next week she'll tell us how old she really is! So I'm traveling and didn't see the whole episode, but here are some bullets:
  1. Loved the first dance. Phillip ROCKS!
  2. Still strongly dislike TabNap.
  3. What is with Wade Robson? He used to double for Joey Fatone, for Pete's sake!
  4. Love Mandy Moore.
  5. Why did Louis Van Amstel defect from Dancing With the Stars? I'm not a fan of his choreography. Go back and hang out with Tom Bergeron!
  6. Did Mary lose her voice (if yes: my prayers are FINALLY answered!!)?
Okay, that's it for today. Discuss!!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Zack is Back!

Oh, how I've missed you Zack, Kelly, Slater, Lisa, Jesse, and Screech (but not really Screech). This is priceless!!

Come back to me, SBTB!! Come back!!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Who Put Poop in Mia's Pudding?!

Mia is bonkers (in a very bad way) over Brandon, who bugs the [poop] out of her. What is up with that? Then they let popper Tony through and still don't realize that they made a HUGE mistake when they cut Natalie! Bring her back! Secretly I hope that they're keeping in the wings for the fall season. Finally, I am bummed about the ballerina dude who wasn't let out of his contract. Phooey on you, Miami dancing company!
Talking points:
  1. Why did they cut Natalie?
  2. Why do they like Tony?
  3. Was anyone surprised that they took Asuka over the blond girl whose name I never knew? Did she really think she had a chance?
  4. Why did they love that circus performer so much?
  5. Who is putting grouchy pills in Mia "I like to cut" Michael's porridge? Seriously.
  6. Which Kasprkjlsjzk brother is your favorite?
  7. Favorites from the top 20?
  8. How does Phillip make his arms move like that? Does he even have bones in his arms?
  9. Why is that ballroom guy wearing jeans, no shirt and a vest? Yech!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

SYTYCD Has Landed!

Welcome to SYTYCD talk. I'm a little verklempt. I'll give you a topic:
  1. Why did Natalie get cut???? I am still in shock.
  2. How much Botox does Mary Murphy have in her face at any given time? I'm guessing at least two liters!
  3. Why did they keep on giving that popper and Gabi extra chances?? I was not impressed by either of them.
  4. I am, however, impressed like crazy over those two brothers (the Kasmyzksyrks's?). Which one do we like better?
  5. How high school dance class were some of those group numbers?
  6. When did the French dude become some catty? Has he been taking lessons from Mia?

Friday, February 6, 2009


Alec Baldwin, you are an evil genius!!!