Thursday, July 17, 2008

Nobody Puts Baby in a Corner

But for sure some of last night's dances should have been cornered. Wow! What an evening. First up we'll talk about the news and wardrobe. The news:
Jessica is out with cracked and broken ribs. Yowch! Comfort is in. Now I know I was just asking about why no one likes Comfort, but I am sad to see her back and Jessica go. Poor Jessica! But at least she went out gracefully. Good for her! We'll miss you, Jessica!
On to the wardrobe fiascoes of the evening: Cat's dress, first of all, was bleh and I thought she wore that same one a couple weeks ago? What do you think? Also, Mary's hair extensions. . . . well, do we need to comment on Joan Rivers' heir apparent anymore? Sigh. Mary, you used to look normal!
Finally, a message to the wardrobe department: stop it already with your vendetta against the contestants! The dances are hard enough without you finding the worst outfits EVER for them!
And now on to the contestants:
Joshua and Courtney: I am initially excited about the hip hop number, but then that quickly fizzles and I become bored. Are hip hop numbers supposed to make me yawn? Their second dance is the ruuuuuumba. Woo woo! That was actually awesome! What is up with Joshua's hips? Is he secretly a latin dancer posing as a popper?
Kherington and Mark are up second with a two step and it was terrible! Oh man I just felt sorry for them! And Nigel was right when he said he was just willing them to get through the dance. I think after the first five or six mistakes I couldn't watch anymore. For their second routine they did a jazz number that I thought was great. The judges were not so impressed. I was kind of bummed about that because I really like these two. And their solos didn't do them any favors. Kherington's solo last week was so amazing that I just felt let down this time around.
This week Comfort and Twitch are the couple marked for death by a smooth waltz. Is it just me or was Hunter Johnson switching between American and Australian accents? Also, I think I recognize him as the guy who always needed help with his Botafogos in Strictly Ballroom. Anyone else? As expected, Twitchfort stank up the floor with their smooth waltz. They totally redeemed themselves, however, with their bonkers hip hop number. Finally a hip hop number that doesn't put me to sleep! And it makes such a huge difference when the girl is also a hip hop dancer! Dang that was sweet! My only gripe here is Twitch's lame lame lame ensemble. Poor Twitch. Was that aluminum foil wrapped around his waist?
Next up are the dream team of Will and Katie. First they dance a Tyce routine which I thought was just okay. It seemed a bit slow to me. But the judges loved it so what do I know. Sometimes I think they feel the same way about Will as I do about Daniel Craig: they would watch him open an envelope and think it brilliant. Their second dance is the Pas de Deux. Wow. Wow. The only dance I watched twice. Dang that was great. Just fabulous.
The last dancers are Chelsie and Gev. I was initially disappointed by Chelsie because her solo was the ballroom equivalent of Comfort's solo last week. I almost pulled a Mia Michaels at Tyce's and fell asleep. When I saw that they were dancing a Sonja piece I got a little excited, though, because Sonja's style has so far impressed me. They did a nice job, but I kind of wish it was Chelsie and Mark dancing that one because they had better chemistry. For their second dance they jive at hyper-speed. Holy cow that was fast! When Gev missed her hand in the first half I thought that was it and they wouldn't recover. But they did a pretty nice job. I was just amazed that they went sooooo fast. Bonkers!
On to the solos: No one's really stood out to me. Gev and Joshua's were okay, but other than that I was left a little cold.
So this episode was full of ups and downs for me. What did you think? Who do you think is going home tonight? What do you think of Comfort's return? Triumphant?
I will bid you adieu with some bullets and predictions:
  • Mary Murphy embracing her cougar status by saying Will can take his shirt of any time. Ew.
  • Lil' C defining Buck -- is this what we thought it meant?
  • No hot tamale train tonight. Is this the end of the train and the beginning of the Love Boat?
  • Dirty Dancing references - yippeeeee!
  • Dmitry in the audience - yipppeeeee!
  • Predictions for bottom girls: Kherington and Comfort
  • Predictions for bottom boys: Mark and Gev
  • Going home: Comfort and Mark
Tell me what you think! Will I be a super genius yet again?


angie said...

i am totally with you regarding joshua's hips - he is one of my top two guys - so funny when he made fun of naked twitch and will!!

speaking of twitch, the tin foil was too much!

but the Pas de Deux - you only watched twice!!! i watched four times!!did i mention i love this show!

Jen Mo said...

well I was trying to play it cool, but it's definitely been more than twice that I watched the Pas de Deux. You caught me!

Mindy and Tyler said...

I'm so mad that Kerrington went home and not Comfort. It's so wrong. She got hosed having to dance that lame two step. I hope they never bring that one back.

Also, I think Gev is better than Mark. I used to be a fan, but lately I'm not so impressed. I miss Gev already.

Mindy and Tyler said...

Oh yeah - I also want to say that they are having Tyse choreograph way too much. His numbers are kind of hit and miss. Some of them look like he put a lot into and others (like last night's jazz number) are just so so.

What happened to Wade?

Also, how did you like the celebrity choreographer tonight? Before they said it was Nigel, we kept saying how sub-par the dance was. Then we found out why.

Ana said...

It was interesting having the partnerships all switched around... I was really excited about Will and Katee being pared together cause I love those two and was so wowed by the Pas de Deux. I totally agree that Chelsey's solo was really lame. I've been pretty outspoken about my dislike for Comfort. I just feel like tonight was no different. The waltz was a disaster and redeemed a bit by the hip hop routine but I still feel like that's an exception for her. Kherington and Mark were really terrible in the two step and just ok in the jazz routine...I didn't notice where Kherington was giving attitude offstage though?? On Mary, I think she has to scream and be totally wacky cause she's had so much Botox her face is virtually expressionless. Joan Rivers here we come!