Monday, December 1, 2008

No More Barfait!!!

Bless your souls, Foo Fighters, for my favorite line of the night! So far I am loving this season! What stands out to me thus far is how they are really putting the chefs through different tests than before: basic skills right at the beginning, judging by wanna-be contestants (how they fit all those egos in Tom's restaurant is beyond me!), and now switching up on the chefs on the quickfire and the elimination challenge! Hurrah for the producers!
I am so far consistently impressed by Gene, Jamie, Leah, and Stefan. What do you think? Am I missing anyone?

Thursday, October 9, 2008


I am so relieved that the judges came to their senses and sent Jerrel home! It's about time. I am soooo excited to see the final ladies' runway shows! I'm most excited about. . . . well, all of them, to be honest!!
I must confess that I cheated and checked out the collections on the Bravo website, and I'll just put my favorite dress so far right here:

So which collection are you most excited to see? What's your take on this season? Who do you think will be the winner??

Monday, October 6, 2008

Friday, October 3, 2008


Is anyone else totally bored by this season's crop of "designers" on Project Runway? I feel like I've seen everything before, including their lame attitudes and boring designs. Kenley's attitude? A watered-down Santino. Creepy fake-bake Blayne? Mini Christian. Kieth? I'm sorry, I fell asleep just writing about him.
Dang this season is boring!
And so are last night's evening gowns. Even the judges final (non) decision was a rerun! Project Runway what are you doing? Are you trying to make me hate you before you move to Lifetime? Are you too embarrassed for your friends to see you on such a ridiculous network? Somebody please explain this insanity to me!!!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Holla At Ya Avant Garde!

I was sooooooooooooo glad to see our favorite fake-baker Blayne go tonight. I wasn't so sure about Terri going; I feel like it's time Suede let us know that Suede is leaving.
Up until tonight I was a big Kenley fan, but now I'm rethinking things -- what kind of wacky attitude was she pulling? Was Santino up there with marionette strings? I'm mean, "I don't follow collections"? For realsies? Wow, she was acting crazy. Just CA-RAY-ZEEE.
And as for the cast-offs coming back: sigh. As usual, some are cool (Stella!), some are their usual train-wreck selves (Keith). Argh I just want to smack Keith upside the head. "Be gentle with me, I'm feeling vulnerable"??? Hold on a second, Keith, I'll be right there to wipe your little baby bottom and feed you a bottle. It's late and I'm too annoyed with Keith's existence to continue. Let me know what you thought.
Oh, by the way: Jerrell's outfit was L.A.M.E. And yes I mean the one he designed AND the bugly ensemble he wore for the runway show. Here's just one sampling of his many fashion offenses:

My favorite looks from tonight's show:

Welcome back Christian and Daniel V!

Thursday, September 4, 2008


Do any of you dedicated TV watchers watch Bones?

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

90210 - Back and, well, NOT better than ever!

Did anyone else watch this? Was it just me, or was it lame? Who wishes that instead of these tools:

The show was about these awesome friends of ours?

Well, everyone in that pic except Scott ('cause you know he's dead) and Andrea ('cause you know she's boring).

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Yeah Baby! Yeah!

That's right people: I am a super genius AGAIN!


I loved it when Cat put Twitch's grillz on! I almost died laughing, and then was filled with deep admiration for our host and how great she is! I am so glad that Lauren Sanchez got dumped after the first season!
I just watched an interview with Will (sigh) where he talks about how embarrassed he was being shirtless on stage. He notes that he doesn't get to condition that much since the show started, and so he isn't in the best shape of his life. Hence his embarrassment. We should all have such problems. . . . This little snippet from Will makes me hate him just the teeniest tiniest bit. Or a whole lot. On to this week's dancing:
Courtney and Mark: their first dance is the traditional kiss of death, the Vietnamese Waltz (shout out to Donyelle from season 2!). It was good, but seriously, why do they still have this dance as an option??? This and the quickstep aren't doing the contestants any favors. But I'll give them props for a watchable routine. Next up they dance a Sonja piece and I LOVE IT. Mathias (my hubbie) hates it. What?!?! It was AWESOME and I am so pleased that Mark and Courtney get to do something so fun.
Twitch and Chelsie first dance a mambo choreographed by Tony Meredith. Does nobody remember him from America's Ballroom Challenge? Really? Set your TiVos, people! Watching Twitch in this mambo makes me cringe, but for some reason the judges have all taken happy pills and give glowing reviews. What's going on? Is this because Paula Abcrazydul is in the house? Second they dance a snore-worthy routine from Tabitha and Napoleon. That was a serious snoozer. TabNap needs to take a break from boring routines!
And now I've saved the best for last: Joshua and Katee rocked my universe tonight with their awesome routines! First they dance a contemporary piece that blew my mind. I watched that Tyce number several times! Then they blow the roof off the joint with a wicked awesome Paso. Dang, I just loved all of it! What is weird to me is that Joshua has talked about taking dance classes. He's said on the show that he's had ballet training, and I just read an interview where he talks about the loads of workshops he's done (with Debbie Allen!). So why is everyone gushing about how he's so untrained? Whether he's trained or not, he's an effortless, beautiful dancer. I can't believe I didn't like him in the beginning!
The solos are boring me to tears these days. Katee with her funny finger dances, Chelsie's sad ballroom solos (at least this time she did the splits), Mark's same "quirky" dances over and over again. Twitch gave it a nice something new with his glasses and grillz. And Joshua's routine was off the hook. But as far as solos go, I'm feeling like this is last year's Wade Robson solos all over again. Everything the same and not interesting. Where's my boy Blake when I need him the most? Or at least beautiful Artem or Dmitry?
After last week's lame elimination, I felt duty-bound to vote. My pick? Joshua. I really like Joshua, and I feel like he's the best dancer of them all right now. Who's your pick? What's your take on my take? And who gave Mary her screams back? I was really hoping they were gone for good. Alas.
Predictions: Chelsie and Mark are going home. I hope. Or maybe Courtney and Twitch.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Rerun Comments

I'm writing whilst watching the rerun of last week's elimination (R.I.P. Will). A couple of things stand out:
  1. I know there's only six dancers left, but I'm sad that I am going from two blissful hours down to a paltry single hour. Sigh. Can't we give each dancer three or four dances plus a solo to get that second hour filled up?
  2. The opening dance of last week's elimination is strikingly familiar to what J.Lo's old crew, that's right -- The Fly Girls, used to dance on In Living Color. And the costumes are obviously cast-offs from Michael Jackson's 80's closet.
Is anyone else feeling this way, or is it just me?

Friday, July 25, 2008


I kind of saw that one coming, but still, I hoped. Don't you all remember season one when Blake did that amazing number that ended with him taking off his shirt? That's what I thought of when Will did that James Brown solo. When he started dancing that solo, I just knew he would be in the bottom. The real surprise here is that Mark wasn't even in the bottom at all. That's crazy. And it's too bad that Will went home. At least he has a brilliant career ahead of him. So who are our predictions now? I have my smart money on Katee or Joshua.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Last Night Rocked! Yes it Did!

Last night is probably one of my favorite shows of all the seasons! Everything about it was great! Cat's ensemble was not horrifying, Mary was a manageable level of crazy, the dances were fantastic, and Toni Basil was a judge! Hey SYTYCD you're so fine, you're so fine you blow my mind, hey SYTYCD!!!
Let's jump right into the dances:
Courtney and Will: first up is a samba choreographed by Jean-Marc Genereux. When did Jean Marc become so cool? I usually don't like samba, but for some reason the samba is speaking to me almost every time this season. Nice job! Next they have a slow hip-hop and everyone is gushing about how there's never been a slow hip-hop number on the show. Hello?!?!?! What about Dom and Sabra last season????? How quick we are to forget. It was a nice routine, but Napoleon and Tabitha are getting on my nerves. It seems like almost every dance with them is about someone leaving, dying, or leaving to die. Sigh.
Twitch and Katee: a Mia Michaels routine. Awesome! Contrary to some other opinions out there, I thought that the kiss was great! Woo woo! I loved the whole routine: the door, the music, costumes (FINALLY the costume department is not hating on the contestants!), and especially the dancing. Great job. Next for them is a Broadway routine. Tyce gave them some love with that routine. Good for him. Some of these Broadway routines have been boring me to tears, but somehow the stars have aligned for this night.
Mark and Comfort: How is it chance that the bottom two would be paired together? I don't know -- this seems rigged. First they dance a hip-hop routine choreographed by TabNap. It's nice and for once no one is dying or saying goodbye. Really good job. Next they have a foxtrot and I thought it was pretty fun until the judges started talking. And then I still didn't think it was as bad as they said it was. However it is definitely the low point of the evening.
Chelsie and Joshua: Let's have a moment of silence for my dreamy Dmitry choreographing their first number. Can I drool over him more (later we can talk about how I tried to steal a picture of Daniel Craig last night at the movie theater)?? I like this Argentine tango. They do a great job. Totally fun and not snooze worthy like so many other Argentine tangos I've seen on the show. But what are the chances that Chelsie has two Argentine tangos?? This thing is rigged, I tell you! Rigged!!! Next they have a disco number choreographed by the last holdout of the disco-age, Dorianna Crazyface. Even with the groovy lifts I was not too impressed. Her routines are just one-notes the whole way. We could have stopped with disco in the first season, if you ask me. And is it just me or did Joshua keep messing up? I swear I saw at least three or four mistakes in there. He just looked like he was scrambling the whole way!
As far as solos go there were a couple of standouts. Will is an obvious one, and I am curious to see if his James Brown impersonation won or lost him votes. I also really enjoyed Twitch, Courtney, and Comfort. Chelsie and Mark definitely had the weakest solos.
Overall tonight was so great -- it's nights like this that remind me why this is my favorite show! Here are some favorite moments and predictions for you as I bid adieu until this evening:
  • The return of the Hot Tamale Train: blerg.
  • Katee dressed up as our favorite train wreck, Amy Winehouse. Classic.
  • The fantastic kiddie pics of all the contestants.
  • Dreamy Dmitry!!
  • Bottom four: Chelsie, Mark, Comfort, Will
  • Going home: Mark and Comfort.
Okay, so what did you think? Are you all soooooo excited for the tour????? Hopefully tonight I'm a supergenius again!

Friday, July 18, 2008

Gev -- We Hardly Knew Thee!

Okay, I was really surprised that Gev and Kherington were the ones to go. I thought for sure that they had a bigger fan base than Mark and Comfort. But I need to give Comfort props for her good attitude and awesome solo last night.
So what did we think of Nigel's boring number (I guess my feelings on it are already clear)? How about the other numbers?
What about Kherington's "attitude" backstage last night after receiving critique from the judges? Do you think that Lil' C was right when he told her off? Let's hear it!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Nobody Puts Baby in a Corner

But for sure some of last night's dances should have been cornered. Wow! What an evening. First up we'll talk about the news and wardrobe. The news:
Jessica is out with cracked and broken ribs. Yowch! Comfort is in. Now I know I was just asking about why no one likes Comfort, but I am sad to see her back and Jessica go. Poor Jessica! But at least she went out gracefully. Good for her! We'll miss you, Jessica!
On to the wardrobe fiascoes of the evening: Cat's dress, first of all, was bleh and I thought she wore that same one a couple weeks ago? What do you think? Also, Mary's hair extensions. . . . well, do we need to comment on Joan Rivers' heir apparent anymore? Sigh. Mary, you used to look normal!
Finally, a message to the wardrobe department: stop it already with your vendetta against the contestants! The dances are hard enough without you finding the worst outfits EVER for them!
And now on to the contestants:
Joshua and Courtney: I am initially excited about the hip hop number, but then that quickly fizzles and I become bored. Are hip hop numbers supposed to make me yawn? Their second dance is the ruuuuuumba. Woo woo! That was actually awesome! What is up with Joshua's hips? Is he secretly a latin dancer posing as a popper?
Kherington and Mark are up second with a two step and it was terrible! Oh man I just felt sorry for them! And Nigel was right when he said he was just willing them to get through the dance. I think after the first five or six mistakes I couldn't watch anymore. For their second routine they did a jazz number that I thought was great. The judges were not so impressed. I was kind of bummed about that because I really like these two. And their solos didn't do them any favors. Kherington's solo last week was so amazing that I just felt let down this time around.
This week Comfort and Twitch are the couple marked for death by a smooth waltz. Is it just me or was Hunter Johnson switching between American and Australian accents? Also, I think I recognize him as the guy who always needed help with his Botafogos in Strictly Ballroom. Anyone else? As expected, Twitchfort stank up the floor with their smooth waltz. They totally redeemed themselves, however, with their bonkers hip hop number. Finally a hip hop number that doesn't put me to sleep! And it makes such a huge difference when the girl is also a hip hop dancer! Dang that was sweet! My only gripe here is Twitch's lame lame lame ensemble. Poor Twitch. Was that aluminum foil wrapped around his waist?
Next up are the dream team of Will and Katie. First they dance a Tyce routine which I thought was just okay. It seemed a bit slow to me. But the judges loved it so what do I know. Sometimes I think they feel the same way about Will as I do about Daniel Craig: they would watch him open an envelope and think it brilliant. Their second dance is the Pas de Deux. Wow. Wow. The only dance I watched twice. Dang that was great. Just fabulous.
The last dancers are Chelsie and Gev. I was initially disappointed by Chelsie because her solo was the ballroom equivalent of Comfort's solo last week. I almost pulled a Mia Michaels at Tyce's and fell asleep. When I saw that they were dancing a Sonja piece I got a little excited, though, because Sonja's style has so far impressed me. They did a nice job, but I kind of wish it was Chelsie and Mark dancing that one because they had better chemistry. For their second dance they jive at hyper-speed. Holy cow that was fast! When Gev missed her hand in the first half I thought that was it and they wouldn't recover. But they did a pretty nice job. I was just amazed that they went sooooo fast. Bonkers!
On to the solos: No one's really stood out to me. Gev and Joshua's were okay, but other than that I was left a little cold.
So this episode was full of ups and downs for me. What did you think? Who do you think is going home tonight? What do you think of Comfort's return? Triumphant?
I will bid you adieu with some bullets and predictions:
  • Mary Murphy embracing her cougar status by saying Will can take his shirt of any time. Ew.
  • Lil' C defining Buck -- is this what we thought it meant?
  • No hot tamale train tonight. Is this the end of the train and the beginning of the Love Boat?
  • Dirty Dancing references - yippeeeee!
  • Dmitry in the audience - yipppeeeee!
  • Predictions for bottom girls: Kherington and Comfort
  • Predictions for bottom boys: Mark and Gev
  • Going home: Comfort and Mark
Tell me what you think! Will I be a super genius yet again?

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

What's Wrong With Comfort?

I like Comfort! How come everyone is bagging on her? Tell me the reasons and I will look more closely on Wednesday.

Friday, July 4, 2008


That's right folks! I got this week right on the money! And what on earth was up with Cat's hair?? I know she was going for the Cleopatra look, but it came out as sort of Mickey Mouse. . . .

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Sequins and Tuxes and Bowties -- Oh My!

Poor Cat. I mean really, poor Cat. She's super tall and skinny and younger than me and hosting a fabulous hit show. She must have such a hard time finding things to wear. I can think of NO reason (except for a drunk stylist) for the bib/tux/bow tie number she was wearing tonight. Argh! Cat! At least she got to do the hairstyle she wanted.
Cat's Mary Murphy-esque ensemble was a portent of the nature of tonight's show: bleh. I was underwhelmed tonight. Most of the dances were a snooze. There were maybe three or four routines that I thought were up to standard: the two Mia routines and the two Mandy Moore routines. And that's it. And there were fourteen dances!
First up:
Jessica and Will: Leave poor Jessica alone about holding Will back! I totally disagree. Sometimes I think that Will is too hammy and too "jazzy." Tonight's jive was a perfect example of that. The best part of this jive (and by "best," I mean the only good part) was that over the back through the legs lift. That was bonkers.
Their second dance choreographed by Mandy Moore was da bomb! I totally dug the shirt thing and seriously Will jumped about fifteen feet in the air right at the beginning. Bonkers!
Comfort and Thayne: first up is a Blankenbuehler (I love his name, hate his choreography) Broadway routine that leaves me cold. Have we seen Blankenbuehler before?
Second up is a smooth waltz and I want to know why they still have this as an option? Poor Comfort and Thayne will be in the bottom six, I predict. Wake me up when they stop dancing.
Kourtni and Matt: Olisa and Cecily's hip hop routine was not doing them any favors tonight. They definitely looked like two contemporary dancers doing hip hop. It did not work. And then their mambo, which had great potential. . . . sigh. Nigel was right when he said Matt needed to "butch" it up. These two are also in danger, I'm afraid.
Chelsie and Mark: I said earlier that I loved the Mandy Moore routines tonight and this was the first one we saw. Awesome. Although I must admit that the song choice drove me nuts. That "Kiss Kiss" song was originally done by a Turkish singer, Tarkan, and the original is SO MUCH better than the lame knockoff.
For their second dance they had the foxtrot. Why oh why did they give Chelsie that awful dress?? It distracted me the whole time and shed feathers everywhere. Other than my blood boiling because of the dress, I was left cold by this routine.
Twitch and Kherington: I don't know what to say about their paso doble. Twitch's shoulders really looked like he was wearing earrings and I couldn't get over that and how awkward he looked the entire time.
The Mia routine, however. . . wow! I loved it! That was fantastic! But not quite as good as Mia's other routine, danced by:
Katee and Joshua: holy cats this routine blew me away. I could feel the depth of emotion. Everything, to my super-dance-trained-eye, was superb. Amazing. Kudos to Mia for a great routine that will also get the audience to vote! Amazing!
Their second routine choreographed by dear Benji -- I almost fell asleep! Seriously why do the judges always love Benji's west coast swing routines?? I always come away from his routines wishing he were the one who actually danced them. Benji and Lacey have the personality for west coast swing. I haven't seen any other dancers (including Pascha from last year) who have what it takes for west coast swing. Katee and Joshua were no exception. The routine was slow and jerky. A total miss for me and I'm glad their first routine was soooo awesome.
Courtney and Gev: their routines are choreographed by the two losing choreographers of the night. Cecily and Olisa are first with a hip hop routine that looked like something out of an early (let's say late eighties, early nineties) rap video. I was so bored with this routine. Their was nothing interesting for me to get in to. Which is sad because I really like Courtney and Gev.
And then their Blankenbuehler Broadway routine. Again, I'm just not feeling it. Blankenbuehler's routines are really leaving me cold tonight.
So my predictions for the danger zone: Courtney and Gev, Kourtni and Matt, Comfort and Thayne.
Going home: Kourtni and Matt. Or Thayne. I'm torn.
Am I too grouchy about last night? Was it really a great night for dance and I am just stuck in some sort of funk? Who do you think is going home?

Thursday, June 26, 2008


And tonight's results show proves it! Dang, I am freaky-freaky-freaky FRESH!
Okay ducklings, tell me what you thought of the bottom three (of which I got 2 right) and the ousted dancers (who I totally got right!)!
Also, there is some sort of superdork out there spreading the rumor that Cat is leaving the show. Anyone else hear this? Is Lauren Sanchez the source of these evil rumors???!

R.I.P. Adam Shankman's Microphone

Wow, I am so impressed that the show did not run over! Adam Shankman never stopped talking! And when he did, it was only to rough up his poor microphone. He must have hit that poor mic ten times!
Meanwhile, Mary was breaking out into new territory yet again. Not satisfied with just deafening everyone in the world, this time she was going for blinding everyone as well!
First up, Twitch and Kherington with a jailbreak routine. Pretty good. I'm not totally blown away with Tabitha and Napolean's routines, but they are fo' sho' better than Dan Karrity's routines. My favorite part is when the music was over and I saw Kherington's "Twitch" glasses. Pretty fly. She definitely needs to tone down that smiling though. Mia was right last week. Kher has a great smile, and it's probably naturally there, but she doesn't need to smile that much through a jail break hip hop routine.
Can I be more in love with Gev? I almost died laughing when Tony told him to grab Courtney's booty. His smile was worth millions! Does anyone else recognize Tony Meredith from America's Ballroom Challenge? I can't get over him reciting all of his scripted material with Sandy Duncan.
Comfort and Chris. Boy, did they stink it up. There was really no power behind their dancing. Tyce's routine had the opportunity to be great. Bummer. What else can I say?
Doriana Sanchez. Dang I feel like this woman is my arch-nemesis! Why do they keep having disco? After the first disco routine in the first season we should have just stopped. But I guess Will and Jessica did a good enough job.
Meanwhile I totally am digging this Sonya mohawk chick and I hope that she comes back to choreograph again. I loved her routine. Fabulous, and really a good piece for Matt and Kourtni (side note to parents: stop it already with the funky spellings!).
I don't even want to talk about Chelsea and Thayne because it will make me too sad. Boy was that was heavy and boring. And it wasn't totally their fault. That choreography was a SNOOZE!
Why is everyone so in love with Tabitha and Napolean??? I liked Chelsi and Mark's routine (by the way his pinkies are Ca-Ray-Z! Yikes!), but I'm not peeling myself off the ceiling like everyone else. Geez.
And finally, Joshua and Katee. When I saw that they were doing Samba I groaned like a boy (ala Katee). I don't like Samba. Boy oh boy did I change my mind after that routine. That was really smokin' hot! Sweet! Sick! Banoodles! Right from the beginning I was hooked! What a great way to close the show!
So now I realize I've pulled an Adam Shankman and nattered on endlessly. I'll leave with a few (thousand) bullets:
  • What is up with the wardrobe department tonight? Did they spend all of their money on bedazzling Mary's dress? I was not diggin' any of the ensembles.
  • Is anyone else over the hot tamale train?
  • What dance show did Tabitha and Napolean come from?
  • Wasn't it so fly that Jessica tried to match Will's line after his slip?
  • How is Comfort still dancing with a dislocated shoulder? Didn't Mark on Dancing With the Stars do the same thing and had to have surgery?
  • Where the heck did Brian Friedman go?!?! I miss him!
  • And finally, I need to know how old Mary Murphy is. Ever since I realized she's removed her age from the interwebiverse, I've been obsessed. Any guesses?
  • Bottom three predictions: Chelsea and Thayne, Comfort and Chris, Will and Jessica (because Disco is never a favorite).
  • Going home: Chris and Chelsea

Monday, June 23, 2008

Old Tamale Train

Okay, rather than waste a thousand words, please just look at this:

What the heck is Mary Murphy wearing???? And isn't she a little too old, like by let's say ONE HUNDRED years, to be wearing such an ensemble? I would post her actual age (judging by her Flintstone's era necklaces, I'd say she coming up on a Jurassic birthday), but while researching for this post, I was unable to locate her exact birth date.
Mary McBotox has not only removed age from her face, but also from the Interweb. How she did this, I don't know. She is an evil genius. I guess when you've been around for several millennia you learn a few tricks.
Kudos to you, Mary, for tramping up and crazifying my blessed SYTYCD! It wouldn't be the same unless you were drunk and frozen-faced! Banoodles!

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Girl Power!

Can I just say how glad I am that Stephanie won Top Chef? It is so great to see a girl win in such a male dominated field! Good for her. And I'm glad it was someone nice, too. Not a crazy schizo like everyone else on the show. Although I was really really pulling for Antonia. She won me over at: "We don't let Andrew talk to customers. Seriously." Fantastic.

So let's talk menus (I'm only including Richard and Stephanie because, well, did Lisa's presence even really matter?):

Fish Course: "The Beginning": Grilled Scallop with Pineapple Vinegar and Mango -- I wanted this to work soooo badly. I'm one of those people that always looks at scallops with a twinge of sadness. They are so perfect to look at, but alas, never have I had one that tastes great. Sigh.
Poultry Course: "Which Came First?": Guinea Hen, Duck, Foie Gras, and Chicken Egg with Spring Vegetables -- Yikes this just looked heavy heavy heavy.
Red Meat Course: "Be the Bacon": Pork Belly with Pickled Radish and Mirin Broth -- You don't know how many times I wish I could be the bacon. And again, I am just soooooo sad about this course. Pork belly, or as I call it, Mannah from Heaven, is just superdelicious when done right. Richard, you could have been great with this! Curses!
Dessert Course: "The End": Banana Scallop with Bacon Ice Cream and Cilantro Stem -- This is the course that frustrated me the most. This is the meal of your life and you do reruns?!?! What a bad call. And bacon ice cream? Hasn't he ever seen Iron Chef? Ice cream is the kiss of death!

On to our winner. . .

Fish Course: Sauteed Red Snapper Filet with Truffled White Asparagus and Clam Broth -- despite my psychological allergy to all things fish, this actually looked super tasty. Everything about it looked great.
Poultry Course: Seared Quail Breast with Butter Poached Lobster Ravioli and Mango -- lobster, not so much. But add the mango and quail? Nice.
Red Meat Course: Roasted Lamb Medallions with Maitake Mushrooms, Braised Pistachios, and Blackberry -- I love lamb. Love. Lamb. So why didn't this look good to me? Was it just the presence of the dreaded fungus? Although I will add that I am intrigued by those braised pistachios. Interesting. I might have to get some pistachios from Trader Joe's and try that out. Or just eat the whole bag of pistachios while watching Top Chef. That counts too, right?
Dessert Course: Ricotta Pound Cake with Lime Glaze, Pineapple, and Salted Banana Cream -- Poor chefs stuck with a dessert course. How come we didn't see a mousse or something simple like that? Why is everyone either baking or doing reruns? Blerg!

Overall, I was more intrigued by Richard's menu, but Stephanie with her even demeanor pulled it out in the end. Good for her. Sad for Richard. Lisa who?

So that's my first review. Let's open it up for discussion, fellow Top Chef nerds. I'll leave you with my final favorite moment:
Gail Simmons, Top Chef's Nina Garcia, in a moment of deep thought:

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Brave New Potato

Last week, while vacationing at Casa My Parents, my dad woke me up at 1:30am. I was passed out on their couch in a puddle of drool with only the vaguest of recollections that I had fallen asleep watching The Fabulous Life of Cougars on VH1. Some might interpret this as rock bottom.
Not I.
Since that moment I have dedicated almost every waking moment to spreading the word about that special Cougars episode of the Fabulous Life. The result, dear readers (sadly enough this is probably just me), is that I have decided to start a blog devoted to discussing one of my three favorite media mediums: television.
Potatoes, please hear my siren song and feast upon our beautiful pop culture! The Potato Watch list to your left contains all of my most current boob tube obsessions.
Until next time, unite, Potatoes! Unite!