Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Thank Goodness for Tivo!!

How much do I love my Tivo?! It recorded a Meet the Top 20 SYTYCD special last night, just for me! Hurrah!! I am SO glad my sweet Tivo knew about it! Talk about an awesome night! Let's briefly forget about the disaster that Cat is wearing (ack!), how much I dislike Nigel (ick!), how long ago this episode was filmed (grr!), and how I'm missing Mia already (argh!). Let's focus on the dancers!
First up it's a Wade and Amanda Robson concept, choreographed by Wade (what does that mean??). Does conceiving the dance consist of texting on camera? Because that's all I saw Amanda doing. That aside, the routine is off the hook! I am totally drawn to a few of the dancers, most notably Billy Bell (argh! Why did he have to get sick?!) and Nathan (but that's just 'cause he was front and center, I think).
Next up, the hip hoppers and I'm . . . just sort of impressed. I really really LOVE Russel (the krumper), but I'm still not feeling Legacy and I don't even know who that other guy is. NappyTabs' style of hip-hop is a little too much of the 'burbs for me (and you know I've got some serious street cred!).
Contemporary with Tyce is next. I hate Tyce, but despite that I like the routine. There is a great jump in the middle and I'm hooked. Bravo.
Now we're on to my beloved Sonya, who cracks me UP! She definitely does NOT know how to be sexy, but thankfully is able to teach it to the jazz girls. Kudos to the girls, too, for rocking out the jazz routine. Sometimes Ellenore seems a bit off to me, but overall a nice routine, and I loved the jazz hands.
The tappers are INSANE and I am bitter against Nigel for setting them up to be eliminated early on. Why can't they teach other dancers tap? They've had Bollywood, two-step (shudder!), krump, and classical ballet on the show and expected the dancers to pick it up. I don't think it would be more disastrous than having a hip hopper try to waltz. Curse you, Nigel!
I am anticipating a nice 80's routine from Mandy Moore and she knocks me for a loop with a current song! Who introduced you to our decade, Ms. Moore?! As I mentioned earlier, I am totally infatuated with Billy Bell (sobs!) and so am drawn to him for most of the routine. His moves are insane and I am SO bummed that he's not going to be in this season. And why did they replace him with a hip-hop dancer? Why not my Mr. Checker-Pants? I think we should have a viewer selection season, where we can vote in all of our favorites from past seasons who didn't win (Natalee, Billy, Mr. Checker-Pants will be some of my favorites).
Finally we end the night with a samba. I am not a fan of the Di Lellos, but this routine was nice! Ryan seemed a bit out of control a couple of times, but maybe because he was twirling two girls around like a madman! Nice way to end the evening.
Here are my final bullets:
  • What do we think of the new stage? I'm missing the staircases already.
  • Paula Abdul guest judging?
  • Adam Shankman as the new permanent judge?
  • Mia Michaels' exit?
  • Billy Bell's exit (sobs!)?
  • Are the judges eliminating a couple without letting us vote at all? Is that they way it's always been done?
  • What was up with Cat's dress? Yikes.


Mindy and Tyler said...

wow! I didn't know Mia was gone from the show. What happened??? And what happened to Billy? I feel so out of it and I need answers. Especially about Mia because I LOVE her so much.

Ada Reid-Watson said...

Thanks for posting Jen! However, my Tivo'ed show has to wait until tonight because I was in the mood for a scary Netflix movie last night. Certainly, I will have more to say after I watch.....

Jen Mo said...

Mia announced her resignation via twitter last week, and Billy was just hospitalized and resigned from the show last week. I am totally bummed on both accounts. Mia is still doing the Canada and the UK shows, so who knows what's up with her departure.

Ada Reid-Watson said...

I totally agree with you about Billy Bell. What the heck kind of illness could he have? bronchitis? pneumonia? SWINE FLU!?!?! =)

The hip hop routine was good-Russell is incredible. But, was I the only one who felt it inappropriate to have the hip hop guys begging for change at the end of their routine? Darn my liberal Berkeley education!

I really liked the girls jazz routine, but their tutus made them look really wide and didn't let their body movements show enough. The same person who dressed them must the the tyrant dressing Cat.

I too, miss the stairs. Mostly because of the Brandon and Jeanette dance last season where they were robbers and they used the stairs so wonderfully.

Thank you for your questions and bullet points. You're a funny writer-almost as funny as Dave Barry.

jane maynard said...

I think paula on there would be hilarious.
I miss mia. she better reappear.
I LOVE adam.
I'm so sad about billy elliott. :(
down with nigel. blech.

angie said...

unlike you, i am not in love with tivo because somehow i missed lasts weeks show and tonight i just felt lost. i watched all the tryouts but can't figure out what girl went last week - help!!
and billy - what?! and mia?! i liked her shaved head, come back...although Canada Girl Choreographer rocked it - loved that number tonight!!

angie said...

oh, and bravo to adam - love him - can't help it